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Autor/inCarless, David
TitelExploring learning-oriented assessment processes.
QuelleIn: Higher education, 69 (2015) 6, S. 963-976Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0018-1560; 1573-174X
SchlagwörterStudienverhalten; Studentenschaft
AbstractThis paper proposes a model of learning-oriented assessment to inform assessment theory and practice. The model focuses on three interrelated processes: the assessment tasks which students undertake; students' development of self-evaluative capacities; and student engagement with feedback. These three strands are explored through the analysis of assessment practice in context. The research method involves in-depth classroom observations of five recipients of awards for teaching excellence across multiple disciplines; and semi-structured interviews with these teachers and a sample of their students. Findings highlight assessment tasks promoting thinking and practicing in the discipline; the use of critical reviews to develop student understandings of quality work; and 'same day feedback' to promote timely dialogues with students. The coherence of the model is discussed and some areas for further exploration are suggested. (HRK / Abstract übernommen).
Erfasst vonHochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn
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