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Autor/inIlisei, Irina
TitelEducation of Roma Women between Feminism and Multiculturalism Study case: Roma Women in Romania.
QuelleIn: Journal of social science education, 12 (2013) 1, S. 67-73Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1439-6246; 1618-5293
SchlagwörterGender; Entscheidung; Ethnizität; Patriarchat; Feminismus; Frauenrecht; Multikulturalität; Grundrechte; Politische Bildung; Sinti und Roma; Rumänien
AbstractIn the present paper [the author] analyse[s] the way gender relations and women's rights are negotiated inside Roma communities in Romania. The paper highlights the intersection between ethnicity and gender, and the struggle between conserving the identity as well as norms and values of the traditional Roma communities. [The author's] main theoretical approach is based on Okin's (1998, 1999) view that there is an existent tension between feminism and multiculturalism, between collective rights and individual rights. [The author] analyse[s] the way the state's decision to protect the identity of a community (in order to give groups the total freedom to decide their private sphere of life) affects the rights of the individuals who are part of that community. The paper investigates how access to education is negotiated between traditional Roma communities and the Romanian state, and looks closely at how such negotiations affect the Roma women in their decision making. Concerning these issues, [the author] analyse[s] the situation of Roma women's rights in the context of the intersection between patriarchal societies and Romanian society in which gender inequalities have been minimalized and women have won rights and freedoms equal to those of men. Finally, [the author] offer[s] suggestions for public policies through which individual rights and collective rights should become compatible without harming the former (Original übernommen).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main (extern)
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