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Ariadne Pfad:


Liste ausgewählter Fachzeitschriften

Die Auswahl umfasst im Rahmen von FIS Bildung aktuell ausgewertete Zeitschriften sowie Fachzeitschriften aus ERIC. Notwendiges Kriterium zur Aufnahme einer Zeitschrift ist deren Listung in der Zeitschriftendatenbank.

Anzahl Zeitschrift
417E-Learning and Digital Media
3759Early Child Development and Care
2984Early Childhood Education Journal
1955Early Childhood Research Quarterly
534Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development
2126Economics of Education Review
11Educacao & Sociedade
1275Education & Training
1037Education 3-13
135Education and Culture
2399Education and Information Technologies
513Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
1037Education and Treatment of Children
2060Education and Urban Society
182Education as Change
1167Education economics
386Education Finance and Policy
3Education for Health: Change in Training and Practice
556Education for Information
364Education Inquiry
573Education permanente (Schweiz)
1188Education Policy Analysis Archives
2059Education Sciences
455Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
1390Educational Action Research
1125Educational Administration Quarterly
4377Educational and Psychological Measurement
361Educational Assessment
272Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
1785Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
1286Educational Forum
1827Educational Gerontology
5285Educational Leadership
861Educational Management Administration & Leadership
852Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
822Educational Media International
2843Educational Philosophy and Theory
1618Educational Policy
329Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research
132Educational Practice and Theory
380Educational Psychologist
1435Educational Psychology
495Educational Psychology in Practice
724Educational Psychology Review
1540Educational Research
574Educational Research and Evaluation
325Educational Research for Policy and Practice
987Educational Research Quarterly
110Educational Research Review
1711Educational Researcher
1210Educational Review
2245Educational Studies
1842Educational Studies in Mathematics
573Educational Studies: Journal of the American Educational Studies Association
1550Educational Technology & Society
1514Educational Technology Research and Development
1901Educational Theory
206Eine Welt in der Schule
524Electronic Journal of e-Learning
39Elementarpädagogische Forschungsbeiträge
1382Elementary School Journal
143Empirical research in vocational education and training
799Empirische Pädagogik
308Empirische Sonderpädagogik
501English for Specific Purposes
614English in Australia
374English in Education
1883Environmental Education Research
917Equity & Excellence in Education
0Erwachsenenbildung (KBE)
308Erwachsenenbildung und Behinderung
2168Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue (EWR)
492Ethics and Education
1249Ethik & Unterricht
444Ethnography and Education
609ETS Research Report Series
1242EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
161Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics
1060European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
524European Education
1011European Educational Research Journal
66European Educational Researcher
235European journal for research on the education and learning of adults
1645European Journal of Education
799European Journal of Educational Research
1438European Journal of Engineering Education
556European Journal of Higher Education
34European journal of population
1063European Journal of Psychology of Education
261European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
813European Journal of Special Needs Education
1175European Journal of Teacher Education
430European Journal of Training and Development
1010European Physical Education Review
242European sociological review
550Evaluation and Program Planning
273Evangelische Jugendhilfe
1701Exceptional Children
169Exceptionality Education International

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