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Autor/inn/enLuna, Gaye; Medina, Catherine
TitelPromising Practices and Challenges: E-advising Special Education Rural Graduate Students
QuelleIn: Rural special education quarterly, 26 (2007) 4, S.21-27Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
AbstractRural graduate students face numerous barriers and obstacles in attending higher education. One such obstacle is academic advising from a distance. The intent of the authors was to examine the advising experiences of master's degree level special education students who had received e-advising from their academic advisor. A short email survey was designed to collect data relating to e-advising received by rural, part-time students. Results of the survey indicated that in-person advising at a university site (traditional advising model) would not have been suitable and e-advising was meeting their needs at this point in their graduate education. The participants also explained that the necessity of being advised in person is no longer valid.
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