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Sonst. PersonenJoyce, Peter (Hrsg.); Poff, Raymond (Hrsg.)
TitelDaring To Be Different! Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education (ICORE) (15th, Pocatello, Idaho, November 6-11, 2001).
Quelle(2001), (104 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adventure Education; Awards; College Programs; Courses; Higher Education; Outdoor Education; Outdoor Leadership; Program Administration; Safety; School Recreational Programs; Skills; Training
AbstractThis proceedings begins with a brief history of the International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education (ICORE), 1984-2001. Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) Leadership Award recipients are then listed, followed by an annotated bibliography of the 16 winners of the National Outdoor Book Award. The proceedings contains 14 conference presentations and presentation summaries: (1) "Climbing Rescue Systems" (Iain Stewart-Patterson); (2) "Outdoor Programs and Academic Departments Working Together: Examining the Benefits of Offering For-credit Recreation Hard Skills Courses" (Raymond A. Poff, David A. Calvin, Thomas L. Stuessy); (3) "The Growth of River Kayaking and Its Indirect Effect on Institutional Whitewater Programs" (Geoff Harrison); (4) "Trip Staff Training Practices: Survey and Discussion Results" (Lynn Zwaagstra); (5) "Humanistic Approach to Debriefing for Outdoor Leaders" (Jerel Cowan, Hugh Gibson); (6) "The Emergence and Evolution of Outdoor Adventure Programs, 1863-2000: A History of Student Initiated Outing Programs" (David J. Webb); (7) "Avalanche Awareness: Safe Travel in the Backcountry" (Steve Kugath); (8) "Wilderness Survival and Outdoor Education" (Matt Ball); (9) "Civilian Jobs with Navy Outdoor Recreation" (Ed Dunning); (10) "Women Rock! A History of Women in Climbing and Mountaineering" (Kaija M. Webster); (11) "An Essay: The Culture of Safety" (Ron Watters); (12) "Leave No Trace: A Unified Minimum Impact Recreation Message" (Stephen Paige, Susann Paige); (13) "Anatomy of Organizing and Hosting a Conference in Mexico" (Jim Fullerton); and (14) "Writing Collegiate Outdoor Program Field Manuals" (Tom Stuessy). (SV)
AnmerkungenAssociation of Outdoor Recreation and Education, 2705 Robin Street, Bloomington, IL 61704, Tel: 309-829-9189. For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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