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Autor/inBerman, Jonathan I.
TitelA Phonological Study of Voiceless Alveolar and Velar Stops in Down's Syndrome.
Quelle(1995), (104 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Adolescents; Consonants; Downs Syndrome; Language Acquisition; Phonology; Pronunciation; Vowels
AbstractThe pronunciation of voiceless stops in the initial and final position of monosyllabic words was studied with nine individuals (ages 13-17) with Down's Syndrome to determine whether the vowel affects the consonant production. A 55-page review of previous literature and research on the phonology of speakers with Down's Syndrome is included. The review covers: language acquisition; babbling; Down's Syndrome and the cumulative deficit hypothesis; and current knowledge about production of nasals, liquids, plosives, and affricates and fricatives by those who are normal and those who have Down's Syndrome. Three aspects of validity in a phonological study of Down's Syndrome are emphasized: phoneme positions within words, the frequency of use and error rate of each phoneme, and the word used. The study hypothesized that vowels influence the frequency of error in pronunciation of the stop in either the initial or final position. Findings showed an important relationship among certain vowels and consonants in the final position: an increasing order of difficulty accompanies efforts in pronunciation as the speaker negotiates the spectrum from low to high vowels. Appendices include a list of words used in the study. (Contains 73 references.) (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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