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Autor/inn/enSkhirtladze, Nino; Petegem, Stijn van; Zimmermann, Grégoire; Sznitman, Gillian Albert
TitelParenting typologies in Georgian and Belgian adolescents: Associations with self-esteem.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Elterntypologien bei georgischen und belgischen Jugendlichen: Assoziationen mit dem Selbstwertgefühl.
QuelleIn: Personal relationships, 30 (2023) 1, S. 235-261
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1350-4126; 1475-6811
SchlagwörterClusteranalyse; Autonomie; Elternverhalten; Interpersonale Interaktion; Selbstwertgefühl; Jugend; Kind-Eltern-Beziehung; Interkulturelle Differenz; Soziale Unterstützung; Entwicklung; Kontrolle; Jugendlicher
AbstractThe parenting context is of fundamental importance for the optimal development of adolescents. Making use of a person-centered approach, we derived parenting typologies from the perspective of Georgian and Belgian adolescents based on four dimensions of perceived parenting (responsiveness, structure, psychological control, and autonomy support). Further, we examined how perceived parenting typologies were associated with adolescents' self-esteem. The study sample included 511 Georgian and 830 Belgian adolescents (N = 1341; 48% female). A cluster-analytic procedure on the full sample was conducted separately for mothers and fathers. The analysis yielded five parenting typologies: Supportive-Highly structuring (high responsiveness and structure), Highly structuring - Moderately controlling (high structure and psychological control, moderate - responsiveness), Supportive - Low structuring/controlling (high responsiveness and autonomy support, low structure and psychological control), Highly controlling (very high psychological control, low responsiveness and autonomy support) and Uninvolved (low on all dimensions). Results indicated that the Highly structuring - Moderately controlling paternal cluster was more prevalent in the Belgian sample. A country-moderating effect was found with the paternal Uninvolved profile associated with low levels of self-esteem in Belgian adolescents, but with moderate levels of self-esteem in Georgian adolescents. (ZPID).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Psychologie, Trier
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