Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Blume, Friederike; Irmer, Andrea; Dirk, Judith; Schmiedek, Florian |
Titel | Day-to-day variation in students' academic success. The role of self-regulation, working memory, and achievement goals. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Alltägliche Schwankungen im akademischen Erfolg von Schulkindern: Die Rolle von Selbstregulation, Arbeitsgedächtnis und Leistungszielen. |
Quelle | In: Developmental science, 25 (2022) 6:e13301, 24 S.
PDF als Volltext (1); PDF als Volltext (2); PDF als Volltext (3) |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 1363-755X; 1467-7687 |
DOI | 10.25656/01:26347 10.1111/desc.13301 |
URN | urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-263479 |
Schlagwörter | Arbeitsgedächtnis; Selbststeuerung; Schule; Schüler; Schulerfolg; Ziel; Zielsetzung |
Abstract | Self-regulation was found to be positively associated with school performance. Interrelations between self-regulation, working memory (WM), and achievement goals, in particular mastery goals, have been established, as well as associations with academic outcomes. It stands to reason that self-regulation, WM, achievement goals, and academic success are related on a daily level. However, previous research rarely considered this level of analysis. Here, we therefore addressed the relations of daily self-regulation, WM, and achievement goals, and their relevance for daily and general academic success. Data were obtained through ambulatory assessments in 90 students before (Study 1; Mage = 9.83, SDage = 0.50) and 108 students after their transition to secondary school (Study 2; Mage = 10.12, SDage = 0.45) across 20 school days. Students reported about daily achievement goals prior to school, self-regulation at school, and perceived academic success after school, as well as report card grades. Daily WM was assessed at school. Study 1 showed positive associations between daily mastery goals and self-regulation, but not with WM.Together, daily performance-approach goals and self-regulation, but not other goals or WM uniquely contributed to daily perceived academic success. Study 2 showed positive associations between daily mastery goals and self-regulation, but not with WM. Average daily mastery goals predicted daily WM. Together, daily mastery goals and self-regulation, but not WM, uniquely contributed to daily perceived academic success. In both studies, average levels of WM, but not achievement goals or self-regulation predicted report card grades. Results thus corroborate theoretical considerations on the importance of distinguishing selfregulation processes at between- and within-person levels. (DIPF/Orig.). |
Erfasst von | DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main |
Update | 2024/1 |