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Autor/inSchmidt-Lauff, Sabine
TitelLearning towards the future - rethinking temporal contingencies.
QuelleIn: Indian journal of adult education, 80 (2019) 3-4, S. 5-15
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBildung; Lernen; Erwachsenenbildung; Lebenslanges Lernen; Zeit; Zukunft
AbstractPerspectives on temporality in education usually rely on a taken-for-granted view - learning and education are often seen as temporal phenomena and 'objective fact' but without much attention paid to time itself. Mostly, time is used implicitly but imbedded in pedagogical contexts. According to this argument, a distinguished conceptualisation of time beyond chronological or chronometrical perspectives is still missing in the study of education. A theory of temporalization and temporalism in (adult) education and lifelong learning does not exist. The idea of this paper is to identify and clarify temporal phenomena in adult learning and education. It explores and illustrates different temporal theorems such as collective, political, social and individual habituations of time, and concludes with a vision of learning as a temporal oasis against the acceleration and dynamic of change. (Orig.).
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