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Autor/inn/enBagheri Noaparast, Khosrow; Panjwani, Imranali
TitelIslamic social and moral education. A comparative study with the Western view.
QuelleAus: Berndt, Constanze (Hrsg.); Häcker, Thomas (Hrsg.); Walm, Maik (Hrsg.): Ethik in pädagogischen Beziehungen. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt (2022) S. 65-76
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Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-7815-2520-7; 978-3-7815-5960-8
DOI10.25656/01:25282 10.35468/5960-05
SchlagwörterPädagogik; Beziehung; Ethik; Ethische Erziehung; Islam; Sozialpädagogik; Westliche Welt
AbstractWe attempt to introduce the Islamic approach to social and moral education in terms of three basic elements of human nature in Islamic view: a divine inclination (fitrah), dignity, and freedom. Relying on this account, three principles of Islamic social education are extracted: protection and promotion of individuality; critically analysing tradition, and overcoming self-centeredness. These principles provide a foundation by which to engage with Western social education. We argue that there are strong similarities between Islamic and Western Social education. It is argued further that even though there are some differences between the two viewpoints, this does not prevent reaching a rich dialogue between the two approaches. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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