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Autor/inNazari, Noorin
TitelA Post-9/11 analysis of civic education textbooks used in public schools in Afghanistan.
QuelleAus: Vanner, Catherine (Hrsg.); Akseer, Spogmai (Hrsg.); Kovinthan Levi, Thursica (Hrsg.): Teaching peace and conflict. The multiple roles of school textbooks in peacebuilding. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature (2022) S. 83-100
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BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 99-100
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-031-04675-9; 978-3-031-04676-6; 978-3-031-04678-0
SchlagwörterIdeologie; Konflikt; Konfliktforschung; Afghanistan; Bildungspolitik; Curriculum; Ideologie; Konflikt; Schulbuch; Konfliktforschung; Bildungspolitik; Friedensforschung; Curriculum; Schulbuch; Frieden; Friedensforschung; 11. September 2001; Afghanistan
AbstractAfter two decades of? ghting the Western-backed governments of Afghanistan, the Taliban returned to power in August 2021. A content analysis of the textbooks published between the fall of the Taliban in 2001 and their return to power can suggest whether the books have served as an obstacle to or facilitator of con? ict in the years prior to the Taliban return. Historically, Afghanistan public school textbooks have re? ected a discursive violence marked by Cold War politics that established the ground for the confrontation between communism and Islamism. The ideologydriven discursive violence outlived the Cold War through textbooks into a decade of civil war (1992- 2001). However, with the support of Western agencies, the post-9/11 Afghan governments strived to revise public school textbooks. Consequently, among other topics, civic education was incorporated into the curriculum. After four decades of in? uence from competing Islamist, Communist, and Western ideologies, the reconstruction of normative social values of Afghan society can be best understood through its textbooks. This chapter strives to answer the research question: How do the six civic education textbooks in Afghanistan discursively promote peace and/or fuel violence by (re)constructing new meanings, knowledge, and realities of social representations such as social assets (e.g., culture, history, religion) and social values (e.g., equality, peace, civic rights)? This study employs the Critical Discourse Analysis approach from the perspectives of Van Dijk on ideology. The following analysis exhibits that the civic education textbooks (re)construct? ve key social values: a constitutional but totalitarian democracy, a domestically moderate but pan-Islamist interpretation of Islam, a negative peace, a nominal human right, and a stereotypical gender equality. Based on these? ndings, it is argued that the civic education textbooks simultaneously play the role of transformer of con? ict by promoting social values nominally and the role of accomplice to con? ict by overlooking the same normative social values in their practical interpretations of the social fabric and dynamism of Afghanistan.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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