Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Sonst. Personen | Kauffman, James M. (Hrsg.) |
Titel | On educational inclusion. Meanings, history, issues and international perspectives. |
Quelle | London; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (2020), xxv, 273 S.
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Reihe | Connecting research with practice in special and inclusive education |
Beigaben | Illustrationen |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Monographie |
ISBN | 978-0-367-36123-5; 978-0-367-36124-2; 978-0-429-34403-9 |
DOI | 10.4324/9780429344039 |
Schlagwörter | Bildungschance; Begriff; Hochbegabung; Bildungssystem; Schule; Unterrichtsmethode; Inklusion; Rechtsanspruch; Forschungsstand; Behinderung; Internationaler Vergleich; Implementierung; Instruktion; Literaturbericht; Deutschland; Niederlande; Portugal; Russland; USA |
Abstract | Combining examination of policy with primary research and analysis of up-to-date literature, this book explores the various interpretations of inclusion, its history in education, and a range of its applications internationally. With an international complement of authors, this book features detailed yet accessible chapters on a range of topics, including inclusion in law; academically gifted students; students with severe, sensory, and multiple impairments; and case studies from Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, and the Russian Federation. The book also examines the impact of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities-and Article 24 in particular-and the likely legacies and future implications of recent inclusion movements. (Orig.). -- Contents: Foreword / Edwin W. Martin, Jr. -- Definitions and other issues / James M. Kauffman and Jeanmarie Badar -- Inclusion as Idea and its justification in law / Jean B. Crockett -- The inclusion of students with high-incidence disabilities in general education environments / Brian R. Barber and Andrew L. Wiley -- A science of instruction and its implications for students with disabilities / Justin T. Cooper, Terrance M. Scott and Todd Whitney -- Tiered systems and inclusion : potential benefits, clarifications, and considerations / Kathleen Lynne Lane, Mark Matthew Buckman, Wendy Peia Oakes and Holly Menzies -- Disproportionality and inclusion / Adrienne D. Woods, Yangyang Wang and Paul L. Morgan -- An examination of highly-cited research on inclusion / Bryan G. Cook and Lysandra Cook -- Inclusion and students with severe, sensory, and multiple impairments / Jason C. Travers, Heather J. Forbes, Jenee Vickers Johnson and Kevin Ayres -- Inclusion of academically advanced (gifted) students / Carolyn M. Callahan, Jonathan A. Plucker, Stuart Gluck and Carlos Rodriguez -- Inclusion, governments, and nongovernmental organizations / Mitchell L. Yell and David F. Bateman -- The impact of Article 24 of the CRPD on special and inclusive education in Germany, Portugal, the Russian Federation and the Netherlands / Dimitris Anastasiou, Marion Felder, Luís Augusto De Miranda Correia, Alexey Shemanov, Inge Zweers and Bernd Ahrbeck -- Likely legacies of the inclusion movement / James M. Kauffman, Daniel P. Hallaha, Timothy J. Landrum and Carl R. Smith. |
Erfasst von | DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main |
Update | 2021/1 |