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Autor/inn/enNafissi, Zohreh; Nazari, Naghme; Estaji, Masoomeh; Marandi, Susan
TitelEvaluating novice and experienced EFL teachers' perceived TPACK for their professional development.
QuelleIn: Cogent education, 6 (2019) 1, S. 1-26Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEnglischunterricht; Berufliche Fortbildung; Professionalisierung; Lehrpersonal; Iran
AbstractTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a framework which provides a number of opportunities for conducting research in teacher edu- cation, teacher professional development, and teacher's use of technology. By applying TPACK framework, this mixed methods study aimed to examine novice and experienced EFL teachers' differences in their perceived TPACK and its influences on their professional development. To this end, for the quantitative phase, a sample of 427 EFL teachers, both male and female with different teaching experiences were selected from various English language institutes in Tehran. In the qualitative phase, 16 EFL teachers were selected for a structured interview. The quantitative results indicated that experienced teachers were of significantly higher scores in terms of pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge subscales. In contrast, novice teachers were of significantly higher scores considering their technological knowledge, technological content knowledge, technological pedago- gical knowledge, and TPACK. The qualitative results demonstrated that novice and experienced EFL teachers favored different professional development programs tailored to their needs. Likewise, they claimed that they could bridge the gap in their knowledge through collaboration in professional development courses.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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