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Autor/inJackson, Liz
Response to Kwok Kuen Tsang's "Ideological disempowerment of teachers".
QuelleIn: On education, 2 (2019) 5, 2 S.Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
DOI10.17899/ON_ED.2019.5.7 10.25656/01:23051
SchlagwörterIdeologie; Emotion; Entfremdung; Wohlbefinden; Schule; Lehrer; Lehrerbildung; Schüler; Demokratisierung; Neoliberalismus; Arbeit; Kommentar; Rechenschaftslegung
AbstractIn this article the author examines Kwok Kuen Tsang's article on the ideological disempowerment of educators and relates to it research on emotional labour in education. It also reflects on the educational implications of the observation of ideological disempowerment of educators. It emphasises the need for democratisation of education so that educators can be at the frontline of discussions and commitments to wellbeing, of students and educators alike, in education. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonInternational Centre for Higher Education Research, Kassel
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