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Autor/inn/enAbécassis, Alain; Assunção, Manuel; Holm-Nielsen, Lauritz B.; Krüger, Karsten; Lindqvist, Ossi V.; Noorda, S. J.; Parellada, Martí; Samoilovich, Daniel; Sursock, Andrée; Teixeira, Pedro Nuno; Winckler, Georg
Sonst. PersonenKrüger, Karsten (Hrsg.); Parellada, Martí (Hrsg.); Samoilovich, Daniel (Hrsg.); Sursock, Andrée (Hrsg.)
TitelGovernance reforms in European university systems.
The Case of Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands and Portugal.
QuelleCham: Springer (2018), xix, 220 S.
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ReiheEducational governance research. 8
BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 211-220
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-319-72211-5; 978-3-319-72212-2
SchlagwörterAutonomie; Verhältnis; Bildungsmanagement; Hochschulautonomie; Hochschulleitung; Hochschulreform; Hochschulstruktur; Hochschulverwaltung; Hochschule; Leistung; Reform; Strukturreform; Dänemark; Finnland; Frankreich; Niederlande; Portugal; Österreich
AbstractThis book examines governance reforms in higher education in six European countries: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, The Netherlands, and Portugal. It focuses in particular on the governance of the systems and institutions in these countries. The book shows that each of the national reform processes has been characterised by its own specific pathways embedded in the country's specific socio-economic contexts and cultures, but also has a number of features in common with the other countries and processes. The first chapter of the book presents a conceptual framework to analyse the reform processes as an 'implementation game' played by several actors with diverse interests. The second chapter describes the national reform processes of the six selected countries, giving a voice to the individual university rectors and officials who played an important role during the reform processes. Their stories constitute a vivid narrative of the government drivers of reform and of the rationales of the institutions as main partners in the reform processes. These narratives are analysed, complemented by, and contrasted with a review of the literature on the subject in the third chapter. The final chapter consist of concluding remarks and lessons learned. - INHALT: 1. Introduction (Karsten Krüger, Martí Parellada, Daniel Samoilovich, and Andrée Sursock) (1). - 2. National Reform Processes: Examples of Six European Countries (Georg Winckler, Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, Ossi V. Lindqvist, Alain Abécassis, S. J. Noorda, Manuel Assunção, and Pedro Nuno Teixeira) (11). - 3. Governance Reforms from a European Perspective (Karsten Krüger, Martí Parellada, Daniel Samoilovich, and Andrée Sursock) (159). - 4. Concluding Remarks (Karsten Krüger, Martí Parellada, Daniel Samoilovich, and Andrée Sursock) (203). - References (211). (HDZD/text adopted).
Erfasst vonZentrum für HochschulBildung - Technische Universität Dortmund
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