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Autor/inBetz, Tanja
TitelModern children and their well-being: Dismantling an ideal.
QuelleAus: Andresen, Sabine (Hrsg.); Diehm, Isabell (Hrsg.); Sander, Uwe (Hrsg.); Ziegler, Holger (Hrsg.): Children and the good life: new challenges for research on children. Dordrecht u.a.: Springer (2010) S. 13-28
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ReiheChildren's well-being: indicators and research. 4
ZusatzinformationForschungsdaten, Studiendetails und Erhebungsinstrumente
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterSurvey; Empirische Sozialforschung; Soziale Situation; Kindeswohl; Kindheitsforschung; Ungleichheit; Ideal; Deutschland
AbstractThe everyday life of children is organized, scheduled and mediatized, the relationships between children and adults are comparable to equal negotiation partners, the well-being of children is mostly high. These indicators are used as synonyms for a modern childhood pattern; the modern child is part of a child group that is relatively homogenous but in no way characterized by social class. In analyzing Germany-wide children's surveys from a theoretical perspective of inequality, there is hardly any empirical evidence for these prevalent perceptions. The findings give hints on unequal childhoods. The chapter discusses conceptual and methodical reasons that favour the spread of homogenizing notions about modern children and their well-being. A number of criteria are necessary to further develop the monitoring of children's lives and their well-being. First, the construct "well-being" has to be reinterpreted from the perspective of inequality theory, second a continuous verification of the modernization diagnoses and a reflection on the implications and side effects of the prevalent perceptions are necessary. (Verlag).
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