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Autor/inn/enSchröder, Sabrina; Thompson, Christiane
TitelA matter of exposition: examination and education.
QuelleIn: Ethics and education, 10 (2015) 2, S. 152-162Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1744-9642; 1744-9650
SchlagwörterSubjektivität; Schulentwicklung; Prüfung
AbstractWhile current literature on examination and testing mostly engages with the objectivity of exams and their procedural logic, this article is concerned with the 'ethical dimension' of examination: Examinations provoke a particular relation to oneself, possibly self-transformation. The praxis of examination entails self-confrontation in the light of the uncertainty regarding that which is expected of the self. Referring to an example taken from the field of early education, four 'figures' - positional difference, exposition, identification, and representation - are used in a heuristic manner to elaborate on the ethical dimension in examination. The aim of the paper is to view 'examination' from a theoretical point of view focusing on practices, on the one hand, and to analyze the ethical norms and expectations that the self is addressed with in the field of early education, on the other. (Verlag).
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