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Autor/inSelcuk, Mualla
TitelDie Definition von "Jihad" und die Bedeutung für die religiöse Erziehung in einer Welt des religiösen Pluralismus.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: The definition of "jihad" and the importance for religious education in a world of religious pluralism.
QuelleAus: Wunn, Ina (Hrsg.); Selcuk, Mualla (Hrsg.): Islam, Frauen und Europa. Islamischer Feminismus und Gender Jihad - neue Wege für Musliminnen in Europa? Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (2013) S. 45-57Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterBildung; Erziehung; Pluralismus; Fundamentalismus; Glaube; Islam; Koran; Prophetie; Religion; Definition; Muslim
Abstract"Since the tragic event of 1lth September, Jihad has become a household concept among those who are involved in the question of violence both on a scholarly and popular level. This paper aims to provide insight into the issues surrounding the concept of Jihad. One view presents Jihad as 'the first obligation for Muslims that comes alter Iman Billah (Belief in God)'. Another translates it as 'Holy War'. One explanation is that 'Jihad is the striving for good and the struggling with evil'. Another is that 'Jihad is the name of every attempt to purify one's soul'. What response should education make to such different definitions? The proposed paper will consider the question by reference to the relevant verses of the Holy Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophetic Tradition. The paper claims that in a world of religious diversity, research on the main concepts of different religions are of vital importance. Studying in inter-religious terms includes learning about the conceptual schema of your own religion and other religions as well. It is evident that more awareness about the various cultures of the world is a desideration in education. Also, further conceptual studies can help to improve the flow of information, analysis and guidance on the challenge of violent extremism." (author's abstract).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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