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Sonst. PersonenAttanasio, Massimo (Hrsg.); Capursi, Vincenca (Hrsg.)
TitelStatistical methods for the evaluation of university systems.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Statistische Methoden für die Evaluation des Hochschulsystems.
QuelleHeidelberg u.a.: Physica-Verl. (2011), XIII, 282 S.
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ReiheContributions to statistics
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-7908-2374-5; 978-3-7908-2375-2
SchlagwörterEvaluation; Methode; Vergleichende Forschung; Soziale Herkunft; Schulwahl; Geschlecht; Arbeitsmarkt; Karriere; Hochschulbildung; Studium; Hochschule; Effektivität; Modell; Statistische Methode; Italien
Abstract"This book presents a collection of statistical methods and procedures to assess data coming from educational systems. The topics examined include: statistical methods for constructing composite indicators, applied measurements, assessment of educational systems, measurement of the performance of the students at Italian universities, and statistical modeling for questionnaire data. Other issues are the implications of introducing different assessment criteria and procedures to the Italian university system." (author's abstract). Contents: Part I. Introduction: Different Perspectives of the Evaluation of the Italian University System: Lorenzo Bernardi: TES - From Impressionism to Expressionism (3-14); Luigi Enrico Golzio: The Assessment of University Teaching by Students: The Organizational Perspective (15-31); Lorenzo Bernardi, Paola Bolzonello, and Arjuna Tuzzi: University League Tables. Methodological Options for Ranking Systems: Censis Approach and Alternatives (33-51); Part II. The Evaluation in the Italian Universities: Student Teaching Evaluation: Simona Balzano, Laura Trinchera: Structural Equation Models and Student Evaluation of Teaching: A PLS Path Modeling Study (55-66); Marcella Corduas: A Study on University Students' Opinions about Teaching Quality: a Model Based Approach for Clustering Ordinal Data (67-77); Simone Gerzeli: The Impact of Teaching Evaluation: Factors that Favour Positive Views from Student Representatives (79-92); Maria Iannario, Domenico Piccolo: University Teaching and Students' Perception: Models of the Evaluation Process (93-112); Michele Lalla, Patrizio Frederic, and Davide Ferrari: Students' Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness: Satisfaction and Related Factors (113-129); Part III. The Evaluation in the Italian Universities: Statistical Methods for Careers and Services Evaluation: Vito M. R. Muggeo, Fabio Aiello: Modeling Ordinal Item Responses via Binary GLMMs and Alternative Link Functions: An Application to Measurement of a Perceived Service Quality (133-143); Paola Costantini, Maria Prosperina Vitale: Analyzing Undergraduate Student Graduation Delay: A Longitudinal Perspective (145-159); Isabella Sulis, Mariano Porcu: Assessing the Quality of the Management of Degree Programs by Latent Class Analysis (161-172); Part IV. Research Design and Data for Evaluation: University Between the High School and the Labour Market: Rosalinda Allegro, Ornella Giambalvo: The Multicriteria Electre III Model Applied to the Evaluation of the Placement of University Graduates (175-194); Simona Balbi, Corrado Crocetta, Maria Francesca Romano, Susanna Zaccarin, and Emma Zavarrone: Competences and Professional Options of the Italian Graduates: Results from the Textual Analysis of the Degree Course Information Data (195-207); Stefano Campostrini: After the PhD: A Study of Career Paths, Job and Training Satisfaction Among PhD Graduates from an Italian University (209-222); Dalit Contini, Andrea Scagni: Secondary School Choices in Italy: Ability or Social Background? (223-245); Antonella D'Agostino, Giulio Ghellini: Labour Market Outcomes for Ph.D. Graduates (247-260); Béatrice d'Hombres, Stefano Tarantola, and Daniel Van Nijlen: Labour Market Performance of University Graduates: Evidence from Italy (261-282).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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