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Autor/inn/enCoryell, Joellen E.; Clark, M. Carolyn; Pomerantz, Anne
TitelCultural Fantasy Narratives and Heritage Language Learning: A Case Study of Adult Heritage Learners of Spanish.
QuelleIn: The modern language journal, 94 (2010) 3, S. 453-469Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenAnhang; Anmerkungen 3
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEmpirische Forschung; Fallstudie; Identität; Fremdsprachenunterricht; Mehrsprachigkeit; Spanischunterricht; Erwachsener
AbstractThe reported study investigates the case of 7 female heritage learners of Spanish who have chosen, as adults, to enroll in online Spanish language instruction at the postsecondary level. Drawing on symbolic convergence theory, it identifies a cultural fantasy metanarrative that participants collectively constructed as they made sense of their language learning histories and desires. Analysis of this metanarrative revealed several subthemes on which participants drew to understand their multilingual identities, their borderland communities, and their language learning perceptions, actions, and responses. It is argued that the heritage learners in this study appropriated and reproduced a metanarrative in which the acquisition of "proper Spanish" (as opposed to a more local variety) was consonant with the attainment of an idealized identity for which they all strived. This metanarrative shaped both the way in which they approached and experienced the learning of Spanish in these online settings. As such, recommendations are provided for designing more responsive and responsible heritage language pedagogies, particularly in computer-mediated environments. (Verlag, adapt.).
Erfasst vonInformationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung, Marburg
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