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Sonst. PersonenHorowitz, Frances Degen (Hrsg.); Subotnik, Rena F. (Hrsg.); Matthews, Dona J. (Hrsg.)
TitelThe development of giftedness and talent across the life span.
1. ed.
QuelleWashington, DC: American Psychological Assoc. (2009), XVIII, 252 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-433-80414-X; 978-1-433-80414-4
SchlagwörterForschung; Entwicklungspsychologie; Hochbegabung; Identität; Adoleszenz; Frühe Kindheit; Kindheit; Bildungspolitik; Kind; Schüler; Motivation; Begabung; Raumvorstellung; Entwicklung; Praxis; Prognose; Afroamerikaner; Alter Mensch; Erwachsener; Jugendlicher; USA
AbstractIn this volume, [...] developmental psychologists and experts in gifted education come together to explore giftedness from early childhood through the elder years. Focusing on the practical implications of emerging theoretical perspectives and empirical findings, contributors examine prediction and measurement, diversity issues, and psychosocial factors as they relate to developing talent in different domains. Is the expression of gifted behavior predictable? Is it a stable individual characteristic? How do race, ethnicity, gender, and culture influence or contribute to the development of gifted and talented behaviors? What sustains the development of giftedness and talent? And how can insights gleaned from the field of gifted education inform the research, policy, and practice of psychologists? These questions are considered at each stage across the life span by an interdisciplinary team of experts. (DIPF/Orig.). Contents: Foreword / Carol S. Dweck -- Preface / Frances Degen Horowitz, Rena F. Subotnik, and Dona J. Matthews -- Introduction: A developmental understanding of giftedness and talent / Frances Degen Horowitz -- Infancy and early childhood -- High cognitive ability in infancy and early childhood / John Colombo, D. Jill Shaddy, Otilia M. Blaga, Christa J. Anderson, and Kathleen N. Kannass -- Issues in early prediction and identification of intellectual giftedness / Allen W. Ggottfried, Adele Eskeles Gottfried, and Diana Wright Guerin -- Childhood -- Giftedness during childhood : the spatial-graphic domain / Lynn S. Liben -- Toward broadening our understanding of giftedness : the spatial domain / Ellen Winner -- Adolescence -- Developmental transitions in giftedness and talent from childhood into adolescence / Dona J. Matthews -- Giftedness in adolescence : African American gifted youth and their challenges from a motivational perspective / Sandra Graham -- What does gifted mean? : personal and social identity perspectives on giftedness in adolescence / Frank C. Worrell -- Adulthood and the later years -- Developmental transitions in giftedness and talent from adolescence into adulthood / Rena F. Subotnik -- Gifts and talents of the elderly : the Persimmon's Promise / James E. Birren -- Lifespan perspectives : understandings and implications -- Developmental science and giftedness : an integrated lifespan framework / Daniel P. Keating -- A developmental perspective on giftedness and talent : implications for research, policy, and practice / Dona J. Matthews, Rena F. Subotnik, and Frances Degen Horowitz.
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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