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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inSislian, Jack
TitelState and education in England and Germany.
A Sadlerian perspective, (end of trilogy on Michael Sadler).
QuelleNew York: Nova Science Publishers (2005), XVI, 177 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
AbstractInhalt: Germany, the new rival to British interests and the role of the state in English and German education -- Continuity in German state authoritarianism: Gleichschaltung -- Sadler's analysis of the relation between state and education in England and Germany -- German metamorphosis or continuity since 1945? -- National education and social ideals (1900) -- Individuality in education and the claims of the state (1903) -- The increase of the powers of the state and of the local authorities in English education (1850-1910) -- Educational ideals tested by war (1914) -- Parallel movements in German and English education since the beginning of the war (1917) -- Teachers and the state (1919) -- Education in England (1921) -- Arnold of Rugby (1921) -- Teaching as a branch of the civil service (1932) -- The outlook (1933) -- A brief comparative survey of English, German, Irish and Scottish education in the nineteenth century (c.1910).
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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