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Sonst. PersonenMuche, Franziska
InstitutionAcademic Cooperation Association
TitelOpening up to the Wider World.
The External Dimension of the Bologna Process.
QuelleBonn: Lemmens (2005), 135 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAfrika; Asien; Australien; Europa; Lateinamerika; USA
AbstractThe Bologna Process stands for the European integration process in the field of higher education. The progress achieved so far within the Bologna member states is admirable; however, a concentration on internal processes can only be a first step towards becoming a global actor. The Bologna declaration formulates the objective of enhancing the attractiveness of European higher education on a global scale, and this statement has been repeated and refined since 1999. But is the implementation of Bologna really making Europe more attractive and transparent, and if so, how? The papers in this publication are based on the presentations delivered at an ACA conference held in Hamburg in 2004. Contents: Muche, Franziska: Introduction. - Scott, Peter: Europe on the higher education world map. - Tauch, Christian: The Bologna Process - state of implementation and external dimension. - Schade, Angelika: Quality assurance and accreditation - confidence-building or multiplication of national, European and global agencies? - Hellmann, Jochen/Peltzer-Hönicke, Courtney: Globalization in higher education - the growing importance of quality-oriented admissions procedures. - Bergan, Sjur: Recognizing Bologna: the three cycle structure - a global reference? - Malo, Salvador: Latin America between the US and Europe - can Bologna open new perspectives? - Powar, Krishnapratap B.: Asia: from importers of education to partners in cooperation - an India-centric appraisal. - Lie, Ulf: Africa - the forgotten continent? - Stimpson, Catharine R.: Less hand wringing, more hand shaking - a United States perspective. - Reus, Karel: The international higher education marketplace - lessons from the Australian experience. - Gehmlich, Volker: European higher education institutions at the eve of a new experience - competition tools and concepts of survival. - Dijk, Pieter van: Europe as an immigration union for talent - highly skilled migrants and the concept of the knowledge worker. - Teichler, Ulrich: Non-European students - the forgotten half of the Bologna-Process? - Hijden, Peter van der: Towards a global qualifications framework? Bologna as a model for global cooperation in higher education (HoF/text adopted).
Erfasst vonHochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn; Institut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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