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Autor/inRoßbach, Hans-Günther
TitelLife-long learning in the perspective of primary school education.
QuelleIn: European early childhood education research journal, 8 (2000) 2, S. 73-88Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 85-87
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1350-293X; 1752-1807
SchlagwörterBildungsforschung; Forschung; Schule; Grundschule; Grundschulpädagogik; Lebenslanges Lernen
Abstract"Life-long learning' is a complex concept. Contrary to positions focusing either on key qualifications or the tools for learning, it is argued here that the teaching of qualifications and the stimulation of qualities for lifelong learning at school demands the simultaneous teaching of solid basic general knowledge which is systematically integrated into the acquisition of specific factual knowledge. This complex integration requires the systematic direction of the teacher. Primary schools have a special -fundamental - role in relation to the development and promotion of abilities, competencies and attitudes which characterise lifelong learners. However, they are mainly concerned with the initiation and preparation rather than with their full development. The paper reviews - as examples for particular important qualities and attitudes for lifelong learning - the research on interests and learning strategies. For both concepts, their development, their relation to school achievement and characteristics of their promotion in primary schools are discussed. (Orig.).
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