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Autor/inTiedemann, Joachim
TitelParents' gender stereotypes and teachers' beliefs as predictors of children's concept of their mathematical ability in elementary school.
QuelleIn: Journal of educational psychology, 92 (2000) 1, S. 144-151Infoseite zur ZeitschriftVerfügbarkeit 
ZusatzinformationForschungsdaten, Studiendetails und Erhebungsinstrumente
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEinstellung (Psy); Erwartung; Selbstkonzept; Geschlechterrolle; Geschlechterstereotyp; Geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschied; Eltern; Grundschule; Lehrer; Schüler; Schülerleistung; Mathematikunterricht; Leistung
AbstractStudied how far parents' gender stereotypes and teachers' beliefs predict children's concept of own mathematical ability in elementary school. 489 3rd- and 4th-grade elementary school students, 343 mothers, 270 fathers, and 28 teachers completed questionnaires assessing perceptions of ability in mathematics, gender stereotypes on mathematical talent, and future expectations. Results of path analyses showed consistent gender stereotypes in mothers and fathers as a function of child gender that predicted parents' beliefs regarding their child's abilities. Although parents' beliefs related to their child's self-perceptions, they did not impact on present mathematical achievement. (ZPID).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Psychologie, Trier
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