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Autor/inn/enBekalo, S.A.; Welford, A.G.
TitelSecondary pre-service teacher education in Ethiopia: its impact on teachers' competence and confidence to teach practical work in science.
QuelleIn: International journal of science education, 21 (1999) 12, S. 1293-1310Infoseite zur ZeitschriftVerfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLehrerfortbildung; Schülerexperiment
AbstractThe government of Ethiopia has espoused a practical problem-solving approach to teaching and learning science. The challenge facing the Ministry of Education is how to implement its objectives in a country which has been described as among the poorset in the world. The sudy reported here focuses on teacher education. It gives a description of science student- teachers' experience of pre-service education and the factors affecting their professional development with regard to practical work. It examines the structure of teacher education programmes, the content of the teacher-training curriculum and student-teachers' classroom practice in order to provide a fuller account of teacher education. The study advances this agenda further, revealing the practice of experienced teachers in schools. The conclusion uses the findings to propose ways in which the Ministry might implement changes to practice in initial teacher education to meet the objectives of the new reforms in Ethiopia.
Erfasst vonLehrstuhl Didaktik der Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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