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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enLopez, Doreen M.; Schroeder, Linda
TitelDesigning Strategies That Meet the Variety of Learning Styles of Students
Quelle(2008), (39 Seiten)
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Abschlussarbeit (Bachelor, Master, Diplom, Magister)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Cognitive Style; Action Research; Student Surveys; Classroom Environment; Teaching Methods; Multiple Intelligences; Grades (Scholastic); Prior Learning; Cooperative Learning; Educational Strategies; Standardized Tests; High Stakes Tests; Drills (Practice); Test Coaching; Classroom Techniques; Rote Learning; Memorization; Scores
AbstractThis action research project was designed to maximize learning for all students by addressing different learning styles and implementing various strategies. The students in the targeted school exhibited difficulty in experiencing academic success while exposed to conventional teaching strategies. The two target schools consisted of an intermediate school which serves students in third through fifth grades and a middle school which serves students in sixth through eighth grades. A student survey was administered to determine a preferred learning style and the researchers used observation checklists, formal assessment, and informal assessments. Probable causes of students not responding to traditional methods are; technological advances and the desire to be entertained are eminent, various types family structure provide different levels of background or prior knowledge, learning has an extrinsic value to children, language barriers may cause a delay in learning, and since the No Child Left Behind Act, demands on teachers are rigorous and individualized instruction or learning types are not always addressed. Teachers are now teaching to the standardized test so that their schools can make AYP. A review of professional literature and the teacher researchers' analysis concluded that students are taught as a whole class not as individuals. To teach students individually, the teacher researchers used the following strategies: varied multiple intelligence lessons, chunking, tiered assignments, differentiated instruction, and cooperative learning groups. Cooperative learning groups were used weekly and all instruction was delivered by chunking information. Prior to the intervention, students were given direct instruction as a class and then they worked independently. After the interventions were executed, assessments revealed higher than average grades when the teaching methods were varied. The researchers recommend surveying the students on their preferred learning style at the beginning of the school year and structure lessons accordingly. Also obtainable goals should be set early in the school year, reviewed frequently, and updated when necessary. The researchers also advocate the use of cooperative learning groups whenever possible. (Contains 2 figures and 1 table.) [Master of Arts Action Research Project, Saint Xavier University] (Author).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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