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Autor/inVan Naerssen, Margaret M.
TitelApplying Research: Can and Should Relative Clauses Be Taught?
Quelle(1979), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComprehension; English (Second Language); Grammar; Intellectual Development; Language Acquisition; Language Instruction; Language Research; Language Usage; Literature Reviews; Postsecondary Education; Second Language Learning; Sentence Structure; Syntax; Teaching Methods
AbstractResearch in linguistics (theoretical, socio- and psycho-linguistics) on relative clause formation is reveiwed in order to determine the advisability of teaching this construction in English as a second language (ESL) classes. It is suggested that research on other constructions can lead to implications for teaching these constructions when there is sufficient convergence of research results. The following areas are surveyed and then related to certain principles of language learning and acquisition: (1) strategies of formation across languages; (2) use in oral/written and planned/unplanned speech in English; (3) acquisition in English as a first language; and (4) acquisition in English as a second language. Results suggest that certain types of relative clauses are easier to learn in a formal classroom situation, while others might be better acquired outside the classroom. Results also suggest that if relative clauses are to be taught, they should be taught only for certain purposes. (Author/AMH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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