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Autor/inn/enTurnbull, Ann P.; und weitere
TitelExceptional Lives: Special Education in Today's Schools.
Quelle(1995), (670 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Access to Education; Autism; Behavior Disorders; Disabilities; Educational Change; Educational Methods; Educational Policy; Educational Principles; Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary Education; Emotional Disturbances; Gifted; Head Injuries; Hearing Impairments; Inclusive Schools; Language Impairments; Learning Disabilities; Mental Retardation; Multiple Disabilities; Neurological Impairments; Physical Disabilities; Regular and Special Education Relationship; Severe Disabilities; Special Health Problems; Speech Impairments; Student Characteristics; Student Evaluation; Teaching Methods; Visual Impairments
AbstractThis introductory text on special education combines principles and values with classroom techniques, uses real people in real schools to illustrate principles and techniques, and advocates the inclusion of students with disabilities in all aspects of schooling with the provision of supplementary supports and services. Three introductory chapters discuss: today's students, families, friends, and communities; current trends concerning zero reject policies, nondiscriminatory evaluation, and appropriate education; and the inclusion and collaboration movements. The following 12 chapters address specific disabling conditions or exceptionalities. Each chapter typically offers vignettes of real students, categorical information, evaluation procedures, issues for professionals (focusing on curriculum and methods that promote inclusion and collaboration), program options, a vision for the future, and suggested resources and references. The 12 chapters address: (1) learning disabilities, (2) emotional or behavioral disorders, (3) mental retardation, (4) severe and multiple disabilities, (5) autism, (6) giftedness, (7) health impairments, (8) physical disabilities, (9) speech and language disorders, (10) hearing loss, (11) blindness and low vision, and (12) traumatic brain injury. A glossary is included. (Contains over 1000 references.) (DB)
AnmerkungenMerrill/Prentice Hall, Order Department, 200 Old Tappan Rd., Old Tappan, NJ 07675.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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