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Autor/inn/enWebb, Norman L.; und weitere
InstitutionWisconsin Center for Education Research, Madison.
TitelLos Angeles Urban Mathematics/Science/Technology Collaborative Five-Year Site Report. Program Report 91-5 LA.
Quelle(1991), (42 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege School Cooperation; Cooperative Programs; Educational Cooperation; Faculty Development; Higher Education; Inservice Teacher Education; Intermediate Grades; Mathematics Education; Mathematics Instruction; Mathematics Teachers; Secondary Education; Social Networks; Teacher Role; Teacher Workshops; Urban Education; California
AbstractThe Urban Mathematics Collaborative (UMC) project has the goal of contributing to the improvement of mathematics education in the inner-city schools by identifying models to enhance the professional lives of teachers and encouraging the entry of high school mathematics teachers into a larger mathematics community including mathematicians from higher education and industry. This document is a 5-year site report on the Los Angeles Urban Mathematics/Science/Technology Collaborative from its inception in 1985 through June 1990. The intent is to reflect on the development of the collaborative, noting the changes that have taken place in regard to the context in the collaborative operated, the collaborative's management structure, and the focus of its activities. This final site report addresses the major influences exerted on the collaborative and the directions the collaborative has taken. Some conclusions are reached regarding both the collaborative's development and achievements in light of its specific goals as well as the goals of the total UMC project. (MDH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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