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Autor/inn/enHaines, Jenny M.; und weitere
TitelAnalysis of a Telephone Survey: A Case Study.
Quelle(1985), (14 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Attitude Measures; Cost Effectiveness; Data Collection; Guidance Programs; Needs Assessment; Questionnaires; Research Methodology; School Surveys; Telephone Communications Systems; Tennessee
AbstractThis study analyzes the cost effectiveness of a telephone survey, using data collected from a survey of 110 Tennessee public school superintendents. The subject of the survey was the status and need for elementary guidance. A telephone survey approach was selected based on time and cost factors, since information had to be completed in the shortest time possible in order to conduct subsequent activities within a two-month period before school ended. Letters and copies of questionnaires for systems with and without guidance counselors were mailed out in advance of phone calls. Follow-up phone interviews sought answers to mailed questionnaires, and the survey was completed in 2 weeks with a 100 percent response rate. Tables and graphs relay the following information: (1) size of Tennessee public school systems; (2) number of calling days and completion rate; (3) percentage of calls made to complete questionnaire; (4) length of calls obtaining information; (5) contact supplying information; (6) times information obtained and source of information; and (7) total cost of the telephone survey. (LMO)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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