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Sonst. PersonenWeber, Christine L. (Hrsg.); Novak, Angela (Hrsg.)
TitelBest Practices in Professional Learning and Teacher Preparation: Professional Development for Teachers of the Gifted in the Content Areas. Volume 3
Quelle(2020), (240 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBest Practices; Faculty Development; Academically Gifted; Teaching Methods; Teacher Education Programs; Instructional Design; Technology Integration; Student Needs; Teacher Competencies; Program Design; Program Implementation; Barriers; Curriculum; Talent Development; Cultural Awareness; Social Justice; Gifted Education
AbstractSeveral states offer additional teacher preparation programs by providing either an endorsement or certification in the field, but these are often pursued by teachers specifically enrolled in gifted coursework rather than in general education programs. Practitioners and researchers agree that time and energy should be spent on training teachers in how to address the needs of gifted and talented students, both within the regular classroom and in specialized programs. This three-book series acknowledges this need and provides specific strategies for professional development in a variety of settings using various methods. Drawing on both literature in the field and research-based best practices in professional learning, this series provides the reader with a foundation for designing and implementing effective professional development experiences for educators working with gifted learners. This volume: (1) provides strategies and curricular materials/resources for working with gifted learners in specific content areas (i.e., mathematics, science, social studies, literacy, languages, and the arts); (2) discusses the importance of training teachers to use high-quality curriculum; (3) builds off of research on talent development, cultural awareness, and social justice in education; and (4) details instructional strategies that are appropriate for challenging gifted learners, including developing growth mindset. [For "Best Practices in Professional Learning and Teacher Preparation: Methods and Strategies for Gifted Professional Development. Volume 1," see ED608047. For "Best Practices in Professional Learning and Teacher Preparation: Special Topics for Gifted Professional Development. Volume 2," see ED608049.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenPrufrock Press Inc. P.O. Box 8813, Waco, TX 76714. Tel: 800-998-2208; Fax: 800-240-0333; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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