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Autor/inLaudel, Grit
TitelMigration Currents Among the Scientific Elite.
QuelleIn: Minerva, (2005) 4, S.377-395Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterScientific Community; Cumulative Effect; Country Today; Outstanding Scientist; Eminent Scientist
AbstractAbstract Many countries today have policies to encourage outstanding scientists to remain, or return, ‘home’. To date, the cumulative effect of these policies remains unclear. This essay argues that we need a new approach to studying elites in science. It draws upon three studies to suggest that migration is field-specific; that migration occurs more among potential, rather than among established elites; and that policies aimed simply at attracting eminent scientists may prove inadequate to the task of sustaining national scientific communities.
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