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Autor/inJohn, Edward P. St.
TitelEVALUATING STATE STUDENT GRANT PROGRAMS: A Case Study of Washington's Grant Program.
QuelleIn: Research in higher education, (1999) 2, S.149-169Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterStudy Pilot; Education Research; Grant Program; State Student; Increase Instate
AbstractAbstract The lack of workable approaches for evaluatingthe effects of state student grant programs may havecontributed to the problems that advocates for theseprograms have had in securing funding in the past decade. This study pilot tests a new, moreworkable approach to assessing the effects of changes infunding for state grant programs on college persistence.This case study of the State of Washington's grant program indicates that an increase instate funds for need-based grants in 1993-94 resulted inimproved within-year persistence in public four-yearuniversities. The study illustrates that it is possible for states to undertake systematic evaluationsof their grant programs.
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