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Autor/inMcMurtry, John
TitelRationality and Scientific Method: Paradigm Shift in an Age of Collapse.
QuelleIn: Interchange, (2009) 1, S.69-91Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAcademy; Collapse; Collective choice; Full coherence principle; Game theory; Life and money sequences of value; Mechanism; Global market; Rationality; Scientific method; Truth
AbstractAbstract This paper explains what has long been missing across domains and levels of analysis: (a) the life-blind inner logic regulating contemporary paradigms of rationality and scientific method; (b) the reasons why these regulators of thought select for unforeseen consequences of ecological, social, and economic collapse; and (c) the principle of life-ground consistency which corrects this systemic incoherence of thought regime.
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