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Autor/inNémeth, Balàzs
TitelGlobalisation, Lifelong Learning and Their Impacts on Adult Education of Central East-European Countries
QuelleIn: Journal of adult and continuing education, 9 (2003) 1, S.74-81Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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AbstractThe challenges of the new millennium are turning everything upside down. Modernisation, globalisation, and a change of paradigm since 1989 have altered our perspectives of the mechanisms by which the societies of Central and Eastern European countries operate. Life expectancy has increased throughout the world, overpopulation has stopped in Europe, and integration movements have exerted increasing influence, constraining societies by outlining and reshaping not only the ‘map of the future’, but also of sub-systems and groups of societies of Central and Eastern Europe. It is evident that, in future societies, the real wealth generated from natural and social resources will depend upon the quality and wealth of human resources. This article scrutinises this issue within the context of lfelong learning.
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