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Autor/inn/enCook, Bradley J.; Hite, Steven J.; Epstein, Erwin H.
TitelDiscerning Trends, Contours, and Boundaries in Comparative Education: A Survey of Comparativists and Their Literature
QuelleIn: Comparative Education Review, 48 (2004) 2, S.123 (27 Seiten)Infoseite zur ZeitschriftVerfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterIntellectual History; Social Sciences; Humanities; Comparative Education; Intellectual Disciplines; Epistemology
AbstractSurely the health and vitality of any academic field relies on the periodic review of its intellectual history, evolving theoretical frameworks, and thematic shifts. Attempts to define a field typically involve lively debates over boundary maintenance. Indeed, the question of whether comparative education is a "discipline" has been debated at least since the earliest issues of the Comparative Education Review and has continued to be debated in different forums. Leon Tikly and Michael Crossley believe that a comparative and international canon is discernible, although it is one that is "continually being challenged by new theories and approaches from the arts, humanities, and social sciences, and its boundaries in this sense are fluid and permeable rather than hermetically sealed." To examine the field's contemporary dimensions, a survey was conducted of the members of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), the largest and oldest constituent organization of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), to discern how perceptions of the field converge. While little can be done to settle the obstinate existential questions preoccupying comparative education, we believe we can perhaps contribute a degree of understanding by establishing demographic data points in a particular part of that epistemic landscape--that of the CIES membership. It is, after all, the individuals in the profession who determine the field's contours. Unfortunately, there is a lack of means to survey the entire world body of comparativists. It is hoped, however, that future work will expand on the scope of the current study to include other comparativist societies. Indeed, it is hoped that this study will serve as a benchmark for broader "state-of-the-art" epistemic analyses of the field. (Author).
AnmerkungenUniversity of Chicago Press, Journals Division, P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL 60637. Tel: 773-753-3347; Web site:; e-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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