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Autor/inn/enBryan, James H.; und weitere
TitelLearning Disabled Boys' Nonverbal Behaviors within a Dyadic Interview.
QuelleIn: Learning Disability Quarterly, 3 (1980) 1, S.65-72Infoseite zur ZeitschriftVerfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterElementary Education; Exceptional Child Research; Interaction Process Analysis; Interpersonal Competence; Learning Disabilities; Males; Nonverbal Communication
AbstractTo investigate the role of learning disabled (LD) children's nonverbal behavior in affecting adult judgments, 13 LD and 14 nondisabled (NLD) children in grades 3 through 5 were given instructions either to ingratiate or to act naturally with an adult interviewer while discussing their television preferences. (Author/SBH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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