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Autor/inn/enOrtuzar-Iragorri, Maria Arritokieta; Zamalloa, Teresa
TitelEvolution in the Spanish primary education autonomic curricula and textbooks. A geographic analysis.
Paralleltitel: Razvoj avtonomnih ucnih nacrtov in ucbenikov v spanskem osnovnosolskem izobrazevanju - geografska analiza.
QuelleIn: CEPS journal, 13 (2023) 1, S. 143-161Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
DOI10.25656/01:26459 10.26529/cepsj.1487
SchlagwörterAutonomie; Kritisches Denken; Urteilsbildung; Schulpolitik; Schulorganisation; Schulstufe; Grundschule; Schüler; Curriculum; Unterrichtsinhalt; Schulbuch; Schulbuchforschung; Biologieunterricht; Evolution; Region; Spanien
AbstractEvolution by natural selection is a theory that constitutes a powerful paradigm capable of conveying the teaching-learning of multiple concepts in biology. However, it has been controversial from its formulation to the present, which also affects education. For instance, while some of the basic curricula of primary education in Europe are arranged around the concepts that are considered necessary for structuring the scientific model of evolution (i.e., Sweden), other curricula do not contemplate such concepts. The last is the case of the basic curriculum of primary education in Spain. However, in Spain, on the basis of such a curriculum, there are 17 different primary education curricula corresponding to each of the autonomous communities of the state. The objective of this work is to state a detailed geographical picture of the presence of the concepts necessary to articulate the model of evolution through the analysis of the autonomic curricula of Spain. With such an aim, words that represent such concepts (evolution, inheritance, selection, adaptation and biodiversity, etc.) have been searched for in the natural sciences and social sciences areas of the autonomous curricula of primary education. Furthermore, a search for such evolution-related concepts has also been performed in the activities of eighteen Spanish primary education textbooks on natural and social science subjects. For this purpose, two aspects were considered: characterisation and scientific skills. Both the autonomous curricula of primary education and the textbooks hold important gaps when addressing evolution. The texts include activities that prioritise basic cognitive skills over the more demanding ones associated with scientific competence. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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