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Autor/in | Lif, Evelina Fridell |
Titel | The use of independent foster care agencies by Swedish local authorities - do structural factors matter? |
Quelle | In: European journal of social work, 26 (2023) 2, S. 348-359
PDF als Volltext |
Beigaben | Tabellen; Diagramm; Literaturangaben |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 1369-1457; 1468-2664 |
DOI | 10.1080/13691457.2023.2166017 |
Schlagwörter | Empirische Untersuchung; Vermittlung; Trägerschaft; Angebot; Konkurrenz; Ökonomische Determinanten; Jugendhilfe; Schweden |
Abstract | In Sweden, as in several other European countries, for example, Norway and the UK, social welfare service provision is increasingly being exposed to market competition. One service now being provided on the welfare market is foster care, as it is made available by independent foster care agencies (IFAs). However, current knowledge about the use of IFA is limited. To address this knowledge gap, this study explores (a) the extent of IFA use nationally and (b) whether structural factors (e.g. geographical location, socio-economic factors, local political governance) are associated with IFA use. The use of IFAs was analysed through a national survey answered by local authorities responsible for out-of-home care for children. The results of analysis indicate that approximately 90% of municipalities use IFA and on average 25% of foster care is provided by an IFA. A regression analysis shows that there are significantly higher odds of IFAs providing 20% or more of the foster care placements in small municipalities. No other significant correlations were found. Further, the results indicate a need for further in-depth studies to understand the use of IFAs and the rationality behind that use. |
Erfasst von | Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, Berlin |
Update | 2024/1 |