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Autor/inn/enWilliams-Butler, Abigail; Boyd, Reiko; Slack, Kristen
TitelParenting strengths and distress among Black mothers reported to the child welfare system.
The role of social network quality.
QuelleIn: Social service review, 97 (2023) 2, S. 231-269
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BeigabenAbbildungen; Tabellen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0037-7961; 1537-5404
SchlagwörterErziehung; Resilienz; Kindesmisshandlung; Mutter; Eltern; Programm; Soziales Netzwerk; Prävention; Qualität; Afroamerikaner; USA
AbstractThis study explores whether positive and negative aspects of social networks influence parenting strengths and distress. Our sample is drawn from the Getting Access to Income Now (GAIN) study, a randomized controlled trial designed to evaluate a child maltreatment prevention program in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Using prerandomization baseline survey data on the subgroup of respondents who identify as Black or African American mothers (N=402), we find that supportive social networks are associated with higher parental resilience, better parental emotional competence, and lower levels of parental distress. Social networks high in negativity had more negative parenting outcomes, but this relationship was moderated by the positive aspects of social networks. Social network positivity was more important than social network negativity in predicting positive outcomes. Findings may inform prevention strategies utilizing social networks and have critical implications for culturally sensitive practices and programs designed to amplify the strengths of Black mothers.
Erfasst vonDeutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, Berlin
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