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Autor/inn/enSudirman, Sudirman; Ramdani, Agus; Doyan, Aris; Anwar, Yunita Arian Sani; Rokhmat, Joni; Sukarso, AA.
TitelDevelopment of Performance Assessment on Science Practicum Integrated with Automated Feedback to Measure Scientific Attitude in University: a Case Study in Indonesia.
QuelleIn: Traektoriâ nauki, 9 (2023) 12, S. 3001-3010
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLeistungsbeurteilung; Praktikum; Universität; Indonesien
AbstractThe purpose of this research is to know the responses of respondents and university types on the development of scientific attitude instruments that are integrated with automatic feedback on science practicum performance assessments at four universities in Indonesia. Using a case study approach and cluster random sampling procedures, the data were examined with a Kruskal-Wallis test. Questionnaires, interviews at the management level, and observations directly were used to collect data. The research sample included three hundred seventy-six undergraduates and teachers in college at four different universities. The findings reveal no performance assessment of scientific attitude since there was no standard instrument. The assessment results of private colleges were similar to those of public colleges (p ) 0.05) in measuring scientific attitude integrated with real-time feedback, implying that neither public nor private universities have conducted scientific attitude of performance assessments with real-time feedback on science practicum. The analysis statistical results were not significant between undergraduates and teachers in college regarding the measurement of scientific attitude on performance assessments integrated with real-time feedback in science practicum (p ) 0.05), implying that undergraduates have the same experience as lecturers in assessing scientific attitude on performance assessment with feedback in science practicum. This study suggests developing scientific attitude measurement on performance assessment that provides real-time science practicum feedback.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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