Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Rutkauskaite, Renata; Visockyte, Evelina |
Titel | Mokiniu fizinis aktyvumas ir emocine busena COVID-19 viruso pandemijos laikotarpiu. Paralleltitel: Students' skills and experiences using information and communication technologies in remote physical education lessons. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Die Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen der Schüler mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Fernsportunterricht. |
Quelle | In: Sporto mokslas, 16 (2021) 2=100, S. 46-56
PDF als Volltext |
Sprache | litauisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 1392-1401; 2424-3949 |
DOI | 10.15823/sm.2021.100.6 |
Schlagwörter | Psyche; Schüler; COVID-19; Schulsport; Sportpsychologie; Sportpädagogik; Sportunterricht |
Abstract | With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most vulnerable groups is young people (JTBA, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects young people, who's health and well-being, including lost opportunities for education, volunteering and learning are adversely affected (European Parliament, 2021). This period reduced student's physical activity even more. This study analyzes students' physical activity and emotional state before and after quarantine. Material & Methods. 221 students filled in a questionnaire that has had 5 parts: sociodemographic data, students' physical activity before COVID-19 and in the period of lock down, questions related to Physical Education classes during lock down assessment (Petronyte, 2009) and the last part of questionnaire was devoted to assess the emotional state of students (based on the SLURS program, 2016; Smigelskis et al. (2019). The obtained data was processed by statistical analysis methods. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationships, x2 (chi-square) criteria were used to compare the data. Research results and conclusions. The study revealed that before COVID-19 pandemic students were more active than when pandemic started, and boys were more active than girls. More active students learned better than more passive ones. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the PA decreased significantly at baseline and (p ( 0.05), they spent more time at the computer than playing sports or exercising. Majority of respondents aged 14-16 and 17-19 before quarantine felt joyful and energetic. At the start of the quarantine, most 17-19-year-olds felt calmer, while 14-16-year-olds felt calm before and after the quarantine. With the onset of quarantine, the emotional state of most girls deteriorated, they became sadder, feeling more anxious, while the boys became angrier and also sad during the quarantine period. (Autor). Siuolaikiniame pasaulyje fizinis aktyvumas yra vienas is svarbiausiu faktoriu musu gyvenime. 2019 m. prasidejes COVID-19 virusas ir jo paplitimas visame pasaulyje labai stipriai paveike zmoniu tiek fizini, tiek emocini gyvenima. Siame tyrime analizuojamas mokiniu fizinis aktyvumas ir emocine busena iki ir prasidejus karantinui. Tyrimo metodika ir organizavimas. Buvo atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo 221 respondentas, atsakydamas i klausimus apie fizini aktyvuma iki ir per COVID-19 bei kaip keitesi ju emocijos. Mokiniams pateiktos anketines apklausos klausimyna sudare 5 dalys: sociodemografiniai duomenys, klausimai apie fizinio ugdymo pamokas iki karantino ir per karantina, mokiniu fizinis aktyvumas (remiantis G. Petronytes (2009) metodika) ir paskutine anketos dalis buvo skirta mokiniu emocinei busenai ivertinti (remiantis SLURS programa (2016) bei K. Smigelsko ir kt. (2019) tyrimu). Gauti duomenys buvo apdoroti statistines analizes budu, patikimumas skaiciuojamas pasitelkiant Chi kvadrato (x2) kriteriju, kur patikimumo lygis: p ( 0,05 - patikima, p ) 0,05 - nepatikima. Tyrimo rezultatai ir isvados. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad iki prasidedant COVID-19 pandemijai, mokiniai buvo aktyvesni, vaikinai buvo aktyvesni uz merginas. Didzioji dalis apklaustuju 14-16 m. amziaus ir 17-19 m. amziaus mokiniai pries karantina jautesi energingesni. Fiziskai aktyvesni mokesi geriau nei pasyvesni. COVID-19 pandemijos metu mokiniu FA smarkiai sumazejo ir nepakankamai fiziskai aktyvios buvo 64,2 % merginu ir 39,6 % vaikinu (p ( 0,05), ir priesingai, mokiniai daugiau laiko praleido prie kompiuterio. Prasidejus karantinui dauguma 17-19 m. amziaus jaunuoliu pasijuto ramesni, o 14-16 m. jaute ramybe iki karantino ir jam prasidejus. Prasidejus karantinui daugumos merginu emocine busena pablogejo, jos tapo liudnesnes, jaute didesni nerima, o vaikinai karantino laikotarpiu tapo piktesni ir taip pat liudni. (Autor). |
Erfasst von | Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn |
Update | 2024/1 |