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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionEuropean Federation of Sports Psychology
TitelFEPSAC 2022 - Padova, Italy, 11 - 16 July 2022: 16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology.
"Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world". Abstract book.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: FEPSAC 2022 - Padua, Italien, 11. - 16. Juli 2022: 16. Europäischer Kongress für Sport- und Bewegungspsychologie: "Sport-, Bewegungs- und Leistungspsychologie: Herausforderungen und Chancen in einer sich verändernden Welt".
Quelle(2022), 597 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; Monographie; Graue Literatur
SchlagwörterKognitionspsychologie; Motivationspsychologie; Psychische Gesundheit; Psychologie; Psychologische Betreuung; Wohlbefinden; Angewandte Wissenschaft; Bewegungsaktivität; Leistungssport; Psychoregulation; Schulsport; Sportpsychologie; Training; Wissenschaftsentwicklung; Freizeitsport; Kongress; Theorie-Praxis-Beziehung
AbstractThe overall topic of the Congress is Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world, and the Scientific and the Organizing Committees have worked hard to provide all attendees with a rich and interesting program. During the Congress' 5 days there are scheduled a wide range of scientific events, such as pre-congress workshops and symposia, several important keynote speakers' contributions, round tables, oral and poster presentations and a science slam - as well as a multitude of social activities! We are excited about the outstanding collaborations with FEPSAC, the University of Padua, the City of Padua and its Mayor, the many supporters and sponsors, the AIPS, the Regional Order of Psychologists and the Italian National Olympic and Paralympics Committees and, last but not least, the President of the Veneto Region. We believe that the FEPSAC 2022 Congress represents an excellent opportunity of networking that will bring together professionals and members of the Sport Psychology's international academic community. Seven hundred researchers and professionals from 52 countries by 5 continents are attending the congress, presenting 10 pre-congresses, 251 oral presentations, 4 roundtables, 32 workshops and 40 symposia. (Vorwort).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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