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Sonst. PersonenTröhler, Daniel (Hrsg.)
TitelEducation, curriculum and nation-building.
Contributions of comparative education to the understanding of nations and nationalism.
QuelleAbingdon; New York, NY: Routledge (2023), xiv, 273 S.
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ReiheOxford studies in comparative education
BeigabenIllustrationen; Diagramme
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-000-86386-7; 1-000-86389-1; 1-003-31598-4; 978-1-000-86386-4; 978-1-000-86389-5; 978-1-003-31598-8; 978-1-032-30758-9; 978-1-032-32647-4
SchlagwörterBildungsforschung; Bildungspolitik; Bildungsreform; Curriculum; Nationalbewusstsein; Nationalismus; Nationenbildung; Politische Einstellung; Aufsatzsammlung
AbstractContributing to interdisciplinary discussions on nationalism, the book explores how educational systems and practices contribute to the phenomena of nationalism and nation-building. Using nine comparative case studies from four continents, the book elaborates a theoretical understanding of nationalism from the perspectives of comparative education research. It integrates the theme of nation, nation-building and nationalism and its involvement with issues of education. It explores the theoretical scope of concepts such as national identities, national literacies, or "doing" nation. The book revives the idea that nation should be the starting point of comparative research and contributes to the theoretically reflective integration of nationalism research into education research. This timely book will be highly relevant for researchers, academics, and postgraduate students in the fields of comparative education, international education, education policy, and curriculum studies.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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