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Autor/inn/enWaldeyer, Julia; Fleischer, Jens; Wirth, Joachim; Leutner, Detlev
TitelValidating the resource-management inventory (ReMI).
Testing measurement invariance and predicting academic achievement in a sample of first-year university students.
QuelleIn: European journal of psychological assessment, 36 (2020) 5, S. 777-786
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1015-5759; 2151-2426
SchlagwörterForschungsergebnis; Lernerfolg; Ressourcenorientiertes Lernen; Messverfahren; Hochschulbildung; Erfolgsfaktor; Erfolgsstrategie; Prognostik; Ressourcenmanagement; Vorhersage; Wirksamkeit; Student; Studienanfänger; Deutschland
AbstractThere is substantial evidence that students in higher education who have sophisticated resource-management skills are more successful in their studies. Nevertheless, research shows that students are often not adequately prepared to use resource-management strategies effectively. It is thus crucial to screen and identify students who are at risk of poor resource management (and consequently, reduced academic achievement) to provide them with appropriate support. For this purpose, [the authors] extend the validation of a situational-judgment-based instrument called Resource-Management Inventory (ReMI), which assesses resource-management competency (including knowledge of resource-management strategies and the self-reported ability to use this knowledge in learning situations). [The authors] evaluated the ReMI regarding factor structure, measurement invariance, and its impact on academic achievement in different study domains in a sample of German first-year students (N = 380). The results confirm the five-factor structure that has been found in a previous study and indicate strong measurement invariance. Furthermore, taking cognitive covariates into account, the results confirm that the ReMI can predict students' grades incrementally. Finally, a multi-group analysis shows that the findings can be generalized across different study domains. Overall, [the authors] provide evidence for a valid and efficient instrument for the assessment of resource-management competency in higher education. (Orig.).
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