Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Sokolova, Samanta; Lisinskiene, Ausra |
Titel | Emocine inteligencija fizinio ugdymo procese. Fizinio ugdymo mokytoju ekspertu patirtys. Paralleltitel: Emotional intelligence in physical education process. Experiences of physical education teachers (experts). Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Emotionale Intelligenz im Prozess des Sportunterrichts. Erfahrungen von Sportlehrern (Experten). |
Quelle | In: Sporto mokslas, 15 (2020) 2=98, S. 19-28
PDF als Volltext |
Sprache | litauisch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 1392-1401; 2424-3949 |
DOI | 10.15823/sm.2020.98.2 |
Schlagwörter | Emotion; Emotionalität; Intelligenz (Psy); Lehrer; Schulsport; Sportpsychologie; Sportpädagogik; Sportunterricht |
Abstract | According to scientists (Alcaraz-Muñoz et al., 2017), the development of teachers' emotional intelligence can help teachers gain necessary skills to improve the process of education for students and thus the well-being of teachers. As there is a high level of emotions in the classes of physical education, there must be paid much more attention to it during these lessons, because not paying attention to emotional impact can cause harm. Therefore, this research was aimed to reveal the experience of physical education teachers (experts) working in Lithuania through the prism of emotional intelligence in order to get a better understanding of what role it plays in the school context, and also in the process of physical education. Research object: emotional intelligence in the process of physical education. Research aim was to reveal the importance of teachers' (experts') emotional intelligence in the process of physical education. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, qualitative research: thematic analysis (Braun, Clarke, 2006). Research participants. 4 teachers (experts) from Vilnius and Kaunas cities. Results. Three topics emerged during the research: emotions experienced by teachers, emotions experienced by students and the role of emotions in education. These three themes have evolved into the sub-themes, the most significant of which were the management of teacher emotions, the adaptation of teachers to the pupils' needs and necessity of emotions in the educational process. Conclusions. This research revealed the most common emotions experienced by teachers in the process of education, of which negative one's teachers tend to control in order that pupils would not be adversely affected. Speaking of emotions in the educational process, teachers did not hesitate to say that positive emotions contribute to the improvement of the educational process by emphasizing the help of motivating pupils, individualizing activities, and adding that this is the basis of interpersonal relationships and even refers to the development of children's emotional intelligence. (Autor). Didziausia emociju gausa bei ju intensyvumu is visu mokomuju dalyku mokykloje pasizymi fizinio ugdymo pamokos. Kad mokiniams butu sukuriama palanki psichologine aplinka, siose pamokose turi buti skirta daugiau demesio emociju raiskai ir ju ugdymui. Mokytoju emociju raiska leidzia mokiniams suvokti, ka mokytojas jaucia, atitinkamai i tai reaguoti ir kartu is to mokytis. Tinkamai isreiskiamos mokytoju emocijos, darydamos poveiki mokiniu savijautai ir elgesiui, teigiamai paveike tokius mokiniu veiksnius kaip socialiniai igudziai, motyvacija, aktyvumas mokykloje ir uz mokyklos ribu, megavimasis veikla, informacijos isisavinimas, bendradarbiavimas, demesingumas, pasiekimai, adaptacija, pozityvus poziuris, entuziazmas ir kt. O netinkamai isreiskiamos mokytoju emocijos pasireiske visapusiska zala: motyvacijos pablogejimu, tarpasmeniniu santykiu suprastejimu, negatyviu emociju patirtimi ir suintensyvejimu, nuoboduliu, prastesniu demesingumu, neaktyvumu. Del mokslininku velyvo susidomejimo pasigendama issamiu moksliniu tyrimu sioje srityje. Tokie tyrimai yra reikalingi tam, kad i sia problema butu atsizvelgiama objektyviau, o mokymo proceso kokybe butu gerinama efektyviau. Tad sio tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti mokytoju ekspertu emocines inteligencijos svarba fizinio ugdymo procese. Uzdaviniai: 1. Atskleisti mokytoju ekspertu patiriamas emocijas fizinio ugdymo pamoku metu; 2. Atskleisti mokytoju ekspertu patiriamu emociju fizinio ugdymo pamoku metu raiska ir ju poveiki mokiniams; 3. Issiaiskinti, kaip mokytoju ekspertu patiriamu emociju raiska veikia fizinio ugdymo procesa. Tyrimo metodai: kokybinis tyrimas - tematine analize, pusiau strukturuoti individualus interviu. Tyrimo metu isryskejo mokytoju dazniausiai patiriamos emocijos fizinio ugdymo pamoku metu: pozityvios - geranoriskumas, meile vaikams ir dziaugsmas; negatyvios - pyktis, itampa, stresas, emocinis nuovargis. Kiekvienas is mokytoju buvo linkes pasitelkti emociju valdyma tam, kad galetu neigiamas emocijas sulaikyti arba stengtis jas tinkamai isreiksti. Kiekvienas apklaustas mokytojas buvo linkes reiksti teigiamas emocijas, taciau kalbant apie negatyvias emocijas, visi mokytojai teige pasitelkiantys tam tikra emociju valdymo buda, kad galetu neigiamas emocijas suvalyti arba stengtis jas tinkamai isreiksti. (Autor). |
Erfasst von | Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn |
Update | 2021/4 |