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Autor/inn/enWesterveld, Marleen F.; Armstrong, Rebecca M.; Barton, Georgina M.
TitelReading Success in the Primary Years.
An Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Approach to Guide Assessment and Intervention. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), XVI, 149 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 25; farbige Illustrationen 7
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-3492-8; 9789811534911; 9789811534935
SchlagwörterKindesentwicklung; Schule; Unterricht; Pathologie; Sprechen; Schreib- und Lesefähigkeit; Alphabetisierung; Bewertung
AbstractContent: 1 Reading Success -- Part I The Reading Success Project -- 2 Methodology -- Part II The Reading Success Project (Results) -- 3 Reading Success Results across the Year Groups -- 4 Reading Self-Concept and Student Perceptions -- 5 Intervention Initiatives across Three Levels of Instruction -- 6 Case Studies -- Part III Findings from Teacher Interviews and Recommendations -- 7 Feedback -- 8 Implications and Transferability to Other School Contexts. (Verlag).
Erfasst vonSpringer Nature
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