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Autor/inFeng, Daming
TitelUnderstanding China's School Leadership.
Interpreting the Terminology. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), XXII, 278 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 1
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-0749-6; 9789811505553; 9789811507830; 9789811507847
SchlagwörterBildungssystem; Bildungsmanagement; Bildungspolitik; Schule; Schulverwaltung
AbstractContent: Forewords -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- 1. China's school leadership: an overview -- 1.1 Brief retrospect -- 1.2 School leadership contexts -- References -- 2. Local school system and school inner system -- 2.1 Local school system -- 2.2 School organizational system -- 2.3 Principal-in-charge system -- 2.4 Party-administration rules of order -- 2.5 Fundamental requirements for decision making -- 2.6 Subject-based operation system -- 2.7 Grade-based operation system -- 2.8 Major meetings -- Appendix -- References -- 3. Principalship and leadership team -- 3.1 Co- headship -- 3.2 School level leadership -- 3.3 Junior management -- 3.4 Six-principle -- 3.5 Principal selecting procedure -- 3.6 Principal rank system -- 3.7 Democratic reviewing -- Appendix -- References -- 4. Leadership strategies -- 4.1 Tong-Yi-Si-Xiang (TYSX) -- 4.2 Yi-Shen-Zuo-Ze (YSZZ) -- 4.3 Yi-Qing-Dong-Ren (YQDR) -- 4.4 Xian-Jin-Ping-Bi -- 4.5 Group honor building -- 4.6 Arousing three-facet-attitude/disposition -- 4.7 Cardinal perspective toward teachers -- 4.8 Performance related pay policy -- Appendix -- References -- 5. Curriculum leadership -- 5.1 Curriculum change and rebuilding -- 5.2 Three-level-curriculum frameworks -- 5.3 Curriculum leadership capacity building -- 5.4 School-based curriculum design -- 5.5 School-based curriculum development and implementation -- 5.6 School-based curriculum evaluation and assurance -- 5.7 University-School collaboration -- Appendix -- References -- 6. Instructional Leadership -- 6.1 Teaching-study group -- 6.2 Five-step requirement -- 6.3 Open/public lessons -- 6.4 Tong-Ke-Yi-Gou (TKYG) -- 6.5 Jie-Ban-Shang-Ke (JBSK) -- 6.6 Getting a taste -- 6.7 Teaching reflection -- 6.8 Individual professional file -- Appendix -- References -- 7. Teacher supervision and development -- 7.1 Licensure examination -- 7.2 Normalized internship -- 7.3 Periodical registration -- 7.4 Five-step career ladder -- 7.5 Two honorary titles for outstanding teachers -- 7.6 Professional community building -- 7.7 Inter-school vehicles of CPD -- 7.8 Cross-district vehicles of CPD -- Appendix -- References -- 8. Student supervision and guidance -- 8.1 Class supervisor -- 8.2 Class collectivism building -- 8.3 Class committee -- 8.4 Conduct guiding and supervision -- 8.5 School ceremony & ritual -- 8.6 Themed activities -- 8.7 Adolescent center -- 8.8 Social practice -- Appendix -- References -- 9. Home and Community education coordination -- 9.1 Parent committee -- 9.2 Parents school -- 9.3 Community education committee -- 9.4 Community service -- 9.5 Community volunteer educator -- 9.6 Local education -- 9.7 Campus sharing -- Appendix -- References. (Verlag).
Erfasst vonSpringer Nature
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