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Sonst. PersonenBearman, Margaret (Hrsg.); Dawson, Phillip (Hrsg.); Ajjawi, Rola (Hrsg.); Tai, Joanna (Hrsg.); Boud, David (Hrsg.)
TitelRe-imagining University Assessment in a Digital World.
1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XII, 296 S.
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ReiheThe Enabling Power of Assessment. 7
BeigabenIllustrationen 30; Diagramme
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-41955-4; 978-3-030-41956-1; 978-3-030-41957-8; 978-3-030-41958-5
SchlagwörterUnterrichtsmedien; Unterrichtstechnologie; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem; Bewertung
AbstractThis book is the first to explore the big question of how assessment can be refreshed and redesigned in an evolving digital landscape. There are many exciting possibilities for assessments that contribute dynamically to learning. However, the interface between assessment and technology is limited. Often, assessment designers do not take advantage of digital opportunities. Equally, digital innovators sometimes draw from models of higher education assessment that are no longer best practice. This gap in thinking presents an opportunity to consider how technology might best contribute to mainstream assessment practice. Internationally recognised experts provide a deep and unique consideration of assessment's contribution to the technology-mediated higher education sector. The treatment of assessment is contemporary and spans notions of 'assessment for learning', measurement and the roles of peer and self within assessment. Likewise the view of educational technology is broad and includes gaming, learning analytics and new media. The intersection of these two worlds provides opportunities, dilemmas and exemplars. This book serves as a reference for best practice and also guides future thinking about new ways of conceptualising, designing and implementing assessment. Contents: Part I: Introduction -- Chapter 1. Introduction (Phillip Dawson, Rola Ajjawi, Margaret Bearman, David Boud & Joanna Tai) -- Chapter 2. New Directions for Assessment in a Digital World (Margaret Bearman, David Boud & Rola Ajjawi) -- Part II: The changing role of assessment in the digital world -- Chapter 3. Digitally Mediated Assessment in Higher Education: Ethical and Social Impacts (Margaret Bearman, Phillip Dawson & Joanna Tai) -- Chapter 4. Cognitive Offloading and Assessment (Phillip Dawson) -- Chapter 5. Preparing University Assessment for a World with AI: Tasks for Human Intelligence (Margaret Bearman & Rosemary Luckin) -- Chapter 6. Repositioning Assessment-As-Portrayal: What Can We Learn From Celebrity And Persona Studies? (Rola Ajjawi, David Boud & David Marshall) -- Chapter 7. Towards Technology Enhanced Dialogic Feedback (Edd Pitt & Naomi Winstone) -- Chapter 8. Catering For Diversity in the Digital Age: Reconsidering Equity in Assessment Practices (Lois Harris & Joanne Dargusch) -- Chapter 9. Assessment As and Of Digital Practice: Building Productive Digital Literacies (Marcus O'Donnell) -- Part III: The Role of Big Data in Reimagining Assessment -- Chapter 10. Augmenting Assessment with Learning Analytics (Simon Knight) -- Chapter 11. Are Assessment Practices Well Aligned Over Time? A Big Data Exploration (Jekatarina Rogaten, Doug Clow, Chris Edwards, Mark Gaved & Bart Rienties) -- Chapter 12. The Bi-Directional Effect between Data and Assessments in the Digital Age (Abelardo Pardo & Peter Riemann) -- Chapter 13. Standards for Developing Assessments of Learning Using Process Data (Sandra Milligan) -- Part IV: Practical Exemplars -- Chapter 14. Re-Imagining Peer Assessment in Self-Paced Online Learning Environments (Linda Corrin & Aneesha Bakharia) -- Chapter 15. The Future Of Self and Peer Assessment: Are Technology Or People The Key? (Joanna Tai & Chie Adachi) -- Chapter 16. Using Technology to Enable a Shift from Marks to Outcomes-Based Assessment (Andrew Cain, Laura Tubino & Siva Krishnan) -- Chapter 17. Challenges with Designing Online Assessment to Support Student Task Understanding (Tiffani Apps, Karley Beckman & Sue Bennett) -- Chapter 18. Reimagining Assessment through Play: A Case Study of MetaRubric (Yoon Jeon Kim & Louisa Rosenheck) -- Chapter 19. Sharing achievement through digital credentials: Are universities ready for the transparency afforded by a digital world? (Trina Jorre de St Jorre) -- Part V: Conclusion -- Chapter 20. Conclusion (Phillip Dawson & Margaret Bearman).
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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